200OK - Tulsa’s Web Developer Conference

Tulsa’s Web Developer Conference

Friday, May 15 2020
Our conference will be virtual this year.

What to Expect

We're all stuck at home, but we'd still like to share knowledge and connect online. It's a good thing we're web developers. That's why Techlahoma decided to hold this conference virtually. A lot of volunteer effort went into this conference, so we hope you enjoy it!

This event will be streamed on Twitch starting at 9am CDT on Friday, May 15th.


Central Daylight Tulsa Time (UTC-5)
Matt Steele
Avatar of Matt Steele
The Internet of JavaScripty Things: Control Devices with your Browser with Web Bluetooth

In this talk we’ll check out the Web Bluetooth API, a new way to control physical devices from your browser. We’ll see how to build webapps that react to Bluetooth inputs, how to reverse engineer strange ArrayBuffer streams, and how to power your conference slide deck with a bicycle.

Bryan Robinson
Avatar of Bryan Robinson
Post-Modern CSS: An Overview of CSS Grid, Flexbox and other new CSS techniques

CSS has changed. It’s moving away from the mired mess of it’s origin and toward a bright future of interesting layout and easy design.

If you’ve been focused on other important skills in the past 5 years, you’ve missed out on a lot of new, helpful techniques, including Flexbox and CSS Grid Layout.

Gunnard Engebreth
Avatar of Gunnard Engebreth
Introduction to OWASP

Keeping up to date on current security threats is a full-time job. As a developer, you already have one. OWASP is a community-based team of security experts that can influence the way you code future projects, analyse your current code, and grow as a developer.

Lunch Break
Alain Chautard
Avatar of Alain Chautard
Progressive Web Apps are the future

Alain Chautard will introduce what Progressive Web Apps are all about and explain why they are the future for web / mobile development.

Ash Banaszek
Avatar of Ash Banaszek
User Experience Pitfalls

User Experience is becoming a business necessity, but you don’t know where to begin and your stakeholders just aren’t on board. This talk introduces the basics of UX design and some ways to get the discussion started with your stakeholders. (Gives the “7 deadly sins” of not using UX.)

Harnoor Minhas
Avatar of Harnoor Minhas
From Zero to Machine Learning in 45 Minutes

When was the last time you attended a Machine Learning presentation & walked out saying that was really cool & I got it!? I am going to take you through an exciting journey of ML - after which - I guarantee you that you will be pumped, have clarity and know exactly how you can implement it yourself.

Amber Vanderburg
Avatar of Amber Vanderburg
Cultivating a Culture of Creativity, Collaboration, and Captainship!

High energy chat highlighting how to effectively increase team performance, transform org. culture, and build meaningful legacies through collaborative ownership. Attendees will learn to increase creativity through ownership, improve collaboration through teams, and captainship through character.


Code of Conduct

Before attending the conference, please review the Techlahoma Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct applies to all attendees, speakers, volunteers, and vendors at official and unofficial events by Techlahoma and any location where attendees may be congregating. Contact us if you have questions.

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