200OK - Tulsa’s Web Developer Conference

Tulsa’s Web Developer Conference

Friday, May 15 2020
Our conference will be virtual this year.

Sponsorship Prospectus

200 OK brings 200 web professionals together for a day full of talks covering the full stack of modern web development. We emphasize open standard web topics in front-end, back-end, mobile, design, security, privacy, database, and devops technologies.

The main event is typically fast-paced and highly engaging - this year we will have two tracks each with 5 full-length (40m) talks, and a slot of 7x5-minute lightning talks.

After the main event, we provide tickets for attendees to nearby restaurants to facilitate organic networking and geekery.

Our sponsors help us provide this high-quality conference for professionals in our region while keeping our ticket prices accessible to a wide audience.

Contact us at 200ok@techlahoma.org about sponsoring.

<title> Sponsor - $3,000

Be our Title Sponsor

Contact us at 200ok@techlahoma.org about sponsoring.

<h1> Sponsor - $2,000

Be a substantial sponsor

Contact us at 200ok@techlahoma.org about sponsoring.

<h2> Sponsor - $1,000

Be a supporting sponsor

Contact us at 200ok@techlahoma.org about sponsoring.

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